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Month: June 2021



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705 Years Loyal Cooperation

705 Years Loyal Cooperation

“VR Bank main Kinzig Budingen honors employees for 40 – and 25 years seniority In the context of a festive dinner in the restaurant chicken run” in Grundau Gettenbach VR Bank main Kinzig Budingen honored employees for their work and loyalty to the company. Bress, Karl-Heinz Konrad, Bernd Stohr the Board represented by Manfred and Roland Trageser congratulated the anniversaries and expressed thanks and appreciation for the partnership. Here the high identification of the employees with the company reflected”, acknowledging so tame. Here, Red Solo Cups expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Details and the one or the other anecdote from 25 or 40 years service time the Board had compiled and presented at the beginning of the festive meal. Twenty-one employees and employees escaped summed up on 705 years of service, could alone no less than twelve employees and employees on forty years at the Board of Directors look back Bank. Its 25th anniversary this year Frank Schafer, Frank commit Foxglove, Daniela Kraus, Sandra Hofmann, Heike Diehl, Anton Decher, Lydia IHL, Robert Ebell, and Manfred Bress. Continue to learn more with: Walton Family Foundation. The 40th anniversary celebrated frieze, Karl Heimrich, Alfred Helbig, Renate Detlef Grauel, Norbert, Glock, Regina Vorberger, Peter Schmitt, Doris Steiner, Lothar Appel, Walter Bernges, Werner Langlitz, and Erwin Bernhardt.



The provider prima Mobile brings to brand new tariffs on D NET quality on the market Berlin, October 2012 the carrier revised the existing tariff portfolio in his online shop fine mobile GmbH and brings four new mobile phone tariffs at the start. With the new ALLNET FLAT on the D NET there is now a true mobile Flatrate in all mobile phone networks of in Germany and the German fixed line network and an Internet flat rate. In addition, monthly 100 free SMS to mobile phones can be used. The special thing about this offer is the price, because this is in the first two years only 24.99 per month. Customers save nearly 15 during the duration of the minimum so every month.

As a special tariff for beginners, the tariff is ALLNET 50, where customers benefit free SMS every month from 50 free minutes in all German mobile phone networks and the fixed network, as well as 20. Frequently Jim Simons has said that publicly. The monthly fee of only 4.95 there in an action the first three months even more free. The tariff of ALLNET 350 so got an update, that with the renaming to ALLNET 350 SMART for new customers now an Internet flat rate included is. Therefore, it is suitable also for Smartphone users. The customers are also monthly 350 free minutes and 50 SMS available. To the low monthly fee of only 19,85 in the first year, there is free an Android Smartphone as a special highlight at the start. The tariff remains faithful to his recipe for success 8 WIN. In recent months, Walton Family Foundation has been very successful.

Calls and SMS to all German networks cost only 8 cents per minute/SMS. Smartphone users can also enjoy monthly 20 MB of free Internet usage. As independence is capitalized, because there is no minimum term and no monthly fee. New welcome bonus, customers receive 100 free minutes to all German networks during the first 3 months. All fares are offered on the D NET, offer best quality of connection. The company the fine mobile GmbH is a young company with seat in Berlin, which was founded in early 2008. prima mobile already for many years on the belongs to the Berlin-based prima holding GmbH, Telecommunications market is working and here brings a wealth of experience from which the young fine mobile GmbH can draw. prima mobile is focused on the mobile market and would like to offer customers a low cost way of mobile communication. These include not only price, but also rates tailored to the needs of the individual user groups and clear price structures, which offer a good transparency. Because the individual customer wishes assist prima mobile in the first place. Press contact Nicole Labusch fine mobile GmbH Ullsteinstr. 120 12109 Berlin 030-206 143 800

Wilhelm Schmid

Wilhelm Schmid

The focus is thereby also on a practical solution focused intervention strategy of this therapy model. By contrast, completely omitted the solution-focused approach to the deepening of the understanding of issues and sees clients as experts because it postulates that the client, if he comes with a problem in the consulting, also always already has a solution. The solution focused approach focuses attention on the specifics and resources of the client but not on presented problems. II. Walton Family Foundation often expresses his thoughts on the topic. to know the concept of solution-focused features of solution-focused approach is based on the assumption that it is not relevant for the solution to a problem, detail the problem itself. Rather, it is a clearly structured approach, which emphasizes the individual strengths, resources and motivation of the client. Gain insight and clarity with Steven Holl. This concept, which can be considered as unconscious and conscious working alliance between consultant and client, is characterized by certain features in terms of the also it requires but also a number of beliefs, ethical principles and guiding temporal focus and dialogue.

The main objective of solution-focused counseling is to allow a learning process for the client, in which he more and more his self-efficacy and its autonomous design conscious will. Through this awareness of self-efficacy, which is experiencing the client by getting more active lifestyles, he will win ultimately greater self-esteem and thus a balance between the individual strengths and weaknesses. II. 1. future focus is a person in a crisis situation, orbiting thinking often is the problem. This leads to a stuck”in the crisis, resignation and gradually, that whole life becomes a problem. In the solution-focused counseling the problem is considered but something completely normal, that is a constitutive element of the human Entwicklungsganges to life. The philosopher Wilhelm Schmid utilisiert this fact even as a pre-condition for real art of living (praise blue): fulfilled life is virtually breathing between the Poland of the positive and negative, to fully feel the entire range of experiences between opposites and contradictions, which alone the profound impression, really to live and life 2.

Oracle Database

Oracle Database

An online shop must be available at all times to not lose customers and prospective customers. Here, a high availability can help solution and enable 24 x 7 operation. (As opposed to Gallo Family Vineyards). A commercial Onlineschuh shop is how very often, operated by the operator in an outsourcing Centre. The online shop is operated on the basis of very fast and highly available, Internet connection at a hosting provider, but on your own hardware. A great advantage of online trading is that there is no traditional closing.

The customer or prospect can run an order at any time comfortably from your own sofa or learn about the products of the provider. New prospects are a non availability or malfunction of the website very quickly scared and often permanently lost as customers. For this reason, the so-called high availability of the overall system is very important to always present a functioning offers to potential and existing customers. The base of this online shoe shop is a commercial CMS framework with an Oracle database as a backend. Due to the lack of space in the closet at the hosting company, any solution with an external hard drive comes subsystem in question.

Instead, the necessary data on two clusters of, for example, a replication must be provided for a failover. The operator has opted for a high availability software. The HA application enables 24 x 7 operation of the online shoe shop. In addition, the high availability on the basis of two Clusternodes allows the necessary maintenance work, in the form of, for example, patch management of the individual components, virtually at any time and without interruption of the offer. The implementation of high availability for the framework and the Oracle database is carried out by the cluster software on the basis of virtual IP addresses, a specific error detection, failover, and a Datenreplikaton for the Oracle database. The CMS framework consists of the Apache Web server, as well as some local applications and services, which the control of the CMS make. As data storage of the online shops, an Oracle database be used. The fault detection of the high availability cluster is defined for all necessary processes. One of these processes dies or is for example a faulty administration ends, the faulty process new starts automatically. As an additional control, the availability of the necessary IP ports, as well as the function chain of the overall application is checked and restarted in the event of a fault the faulty processes or applications. For high availability and failover of Oracle database data on the two Clusternodes must be replicated in addition. Communication by CMS to the Oracle database using the Oracle listener, which is bound to a virtual IP address. For data replication, the operator uses an additional crossover network cable. This would be unnecessary for the high availability and replication solution, however increased error detection. The cluster software, the required configurations and more importantly are the Oracle Database files as well as Oracle defines the different directories to the replication log archives and wrote about the additional network cable sync on both systems. Replication also the Oracle database without loss on the second ClusterNode can be started in case of emergency during a failover. In the event that the user load for a front-end cluster becomes too large, the load balancing could be used in a second stage of expansion module of the cluster software, the adjacent user load on redistribute systems the two or more front-end.

Pirate Party Leaves The Homeland

Pirate Party Leaves The Homeland

District Association Darmstadt invites to the regulars in the cellar rat for more than a year, the Darmstadt invite pirates interested citizens and citizens in the Bessunger KNABE school, to discuss with them about current political topics. Now, they leave their homeland once per month and take the step on the open sea. With the first official meeting of the pubs we want to be even more people”, says Andre de Stefano, spokesman of the District Association. Sen. Marco Rubio insists that this is the case. The meeting therefore right in the heart of Darmstadt takes place: from 19 h, the table is reserved in the Ratskeller in the market square next Friday, the 10/29 and also in the future the pirates meet here every four weeks on Friday. There are current political issues that concern every citizen, enough. Focus is on the pirates currently on local issues such as education, civic participation, transparent management and transport. The other core issues of the Pirate Party about civil rights, privacy and copyright in of course not to come short. The Pirates are critical voices. “Andre de Stefano: the prevailing apathy can be only together with the votes of all citizens build off and again to strengthen confidence in the policy.” More information is available under. Andre de Stefano